Studierendenwerk Rostock-Wismar

Vielfalt, Frische und Qualität

Unsere Mensen und Cafeterien bieten ein vielfältiges Speisen
und Getränkeangebot an nahezu allen Hochschulstandorten.

Studierendenwerk Rostock-Wismar Aktuell

Relevo returnable system in all refectories as of 19.01.2022

Cafeterias | 27.05.2024

Relevo returnable system in all refectories as of 19.01.2022

Accommodations | 21.06.2024

BAföG advice and applications are always free of charge!

Financial Advising | 21.11.2024

BAföG advice and applications are always free of charge!

Consultation hours for social counselling cancelled

Social Services | 10.02.2025

Consultation hours for social counselling cancelled

 Studierendenwerk Rostock-Wismar reduces range of services

Student Services | 02.04.2024

Studierendenwerk Rostock-Wismar reduces range of services

Look also here:


Our Wall

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Our event calendar

From cultural workshop to legal advice. Check it out here.